Friday, 30 April 2010

Good Week!

What a good week this has been. Three wedding bookings and signed up a worldwide architect and civil engineering company

By some strange coincidence all three weddings are at the same gorgeous location - how strange is that?!

The commercial client wants an initial list of one-off prestige properties photographed for their web site and sales and marketing materials so plenty opportunity for a bit of creative licence!

Early start today for BNI then a meeting with a bridal brochure company this afternoon. Off to deliver a pull up banner to a client now and that's it until tomorrow afternoon.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Claire House hospice

Spent part of Monday at Claire House children's hospice on The Wirral. Working with them to build a library of images to use in all their promotional and marketing efforts.

They are such a wonderful group of people doing a magnficent job under very difficult financial constraints. Wouldn't it make real sense to use Lottery money to help such worthwhile organisations rather than some of the wasteful "causes" that get it?!

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Pre-wedding shoot

Lunchtime pre-wedding shoot with Neil and Jenna at Risely Moss. Got really lucky with the weather - we rearranged the schedule to shoot first and talk later so got finished just before the rain started - not often I get that lucky! They really are a lovely couple, so photogenic which makes it so much easier to work together. Can't wait for the Wedding day now!

Friday, 23 April 2010

Wedding at Statham Lodge Hotel

Visited Statham lodge Hotel today in preparation for an upcoming wedding. Spent some time with the duty manager to get his insight into the best locations for shots.

Had a good wander round the grounds and also checked out the Bridal Suite
. Have to say the people there are really nice and helpful.It really is a lovely location and I'm certainly looking forward to Tracey and Neils Wedding there in June.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

New homes and blogs!

Another beautiful day in sunny Cheshire! Off shortly to photograph some new build homes near Wilmslow then it's off to "the web doctor" to talk about blogging and SEO.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

First Attempt!

Well I reckoned it was time to look into this blogging business as a means of keeping everyone updated with what I am doing.

Last weekend was very busy with a playgroup starting things off on Friday followed by a local Audi dealer social event on Saturday and a special event for Claire House Childrens' Hospice on Sunday.

Delivered the proofs to the playgroup and they are delighted with them. Took a slightly different approach so hopefully that will increase interest (and sales!).

The plan is to keep this updated frequently with my various work projects and other related actvities. Just need to get disciplined enough and make it happen!